Evaluation – Contact Lenses North York

If you are interested in contact lenses or are a first time wearer, your doctor will ensure the appropriate contact lens is selected for you. Contact lenses prescriptions are different than glasses prescriptions as they contain different information related to the fit of the contact lens on your eye. This includes a particular hydrogel or silicone-hydrogel specific to the brand of contact lenses, as well as the base curve and diameter. These parameters determine the comfort of the lens and how snug or loose the lens fits on your eye.

As a long-time contact lens wearer, it is still important to wear your contact lenses yearly to your eye exams to be re-assessed by your doctor, as the shape of your eye can change over time. The tear film composition on the surface of your eye also changes and may necessitate modifications to your lens or brand to ensure optimum vision and comfort.

Contact lenses lie directly over the stem-cell area of your cornea responsible for epithelial cell regeneration. The same way a shoe that fits too tight can give you blisters, a contact lens that fits too tight can lead to conditions that causing corneal ulcers and scarring or fit too loosely and cause poor comfort.

Contact lenses can be changed daily, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on which type of lens you select. Specialized contact lenses such as coloured, astigmatism or bifocal contact lenses, rigid lenses, and scleral lenses are also available for patients with astigmatism, close-up focusing issues, keratoconus, or other ocular surface disorders.

For all of our new-wearers, contact lens fitting fees include a proper insertion and removal training class and 60 days of unlimited follow-up exams to ensure the most optimum product is chosen for your eyes and lifestyle.